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Native Plants & Pollinators
by Sophy Tuttle

assisted by interns from the Climate Futures/Arlington Project

This mural was commissioned as part of Remembrance of Climate Futures/Arlington , a youth-led public art project envisioning the next 80 years of climate change, climate crisis, and resiliency initiatives.  Project interns learned about the importance of native plants in building diverse and healthy ecosystems that can help us manage changes in temperature and storm activity.  They chose to focus one of the projects 23 markers on imagining Arlington residents replacing their grass lawns and ornamental plants to natives.  We decided to take this as the theme of a mural, along with a celebration of the pollinators so essential to all plants and trees, and inviting Sophy Tuttle to design and paint a wall near Arlington High School.


Tuttle participated in brainstorming discussions with the Climate Futures Interns, Ottoson Middle School students in the afterschool Green Team environmental club, and Brucie Moulton and Jean Devine -- two long-time advocates with technical knowledge of native plants and pollinators.

From these discussions, Sophy developed a vibrant mural featuring three plant and pollinator pairings.



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