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#ARTBRT: James Weinberg

James Weinberg’s depiction of nature changing through the seasons features complex layered patterns and colors that glow when the sun comes through.  Weinberg created his design on the computer and it was digitally printed in two layers – translucent color and opaque white – on transparent film.


As part of Arlington's public transportation improvement project, Weinberg also painted a mural on the side of Za Restaurant.  The goal of this large scale work was to leave the community with a work of art that would remain when other temporary installations would be removed.  The location of the mural marks the beginning of Arlington's newly designated Cultural District, which extends from East Arlington to Arlington Center.


Cecily worked with Arlington Public Art to curate temporary installations in 5 bus shelters as part of the Town's BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Pilot Project.  The BRT Pilot experimented with ways to improve public transportation – specifically the morning commute on buses that run along Mass Avenue.  Art installations supported this effort by landmarking bus shelters and creating a buzz. Each shelter design was unique, reflecting the style and interests of each artist; several of the artists also executed coordinated elements along Mass Ave. Shared themes included protecting the environment, connecting with neighbors, and enlivening the experience of waiting for the bus. The art successfully celebrated the Town’s initiative to improve bus service so residents can leave their cars at home.





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